Nuovo Ponte sul Piave
Competition - 2nd prize
Project developped with 120grammi :: laboratorio di architettura and W.E.I’N Venice srl
Belluno (IT), 2020
The project for the new bridge in Belluno comes from the need to find a definitive form for the current bridge, which crosses the Piave river, built in 2007 as a temporary solution, but which has proved to be a fundamental link for the city and the surrounding territory.
The new intervention, with all its infrastructural declinations, acts as a multiplier device for access to the river, to the parking areas, to the city and to the two banks. A bridge-system that can be crossed both longitudinally and transversally, but above all a device that fits in and reorders the urban and territorial materials present.
The project aims to investigate and reflect on the theme of infrastructure as an element that participates in the construction of the landscape in which it is inserted. Not as a purely functional component, but rather as an artefact to which it is possible to attribute an intrinsic aesthetic value and recognisability.
The identification of those features that define the river landscape in question has made it possible to reuse them as structural elements of the image of the new bridge. In fact, it will be the riverbed that will constitute its strong identity: the points of support are nothing more than the emergence of the river itself, which rises to support the structure that delicately rests on it.
The bridge represents the synthesis of careful research into the reading and interpretation of the place, resulting in a design proposal that makes the landscape an infrastructure, and the infrastructure a landscape.

Territorial context.

Even before, the city of Belluno has made of its bridges a strong element of identity. There are the ruins of the Ponte Vecchio, built during the Austrian domination and collapsed after a flood, and the more modern Ponte della Vittoria, built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project of the new bridge is therefore inserted within a historical-landscape context characterized by particularly important elements, with which to establish an indispensable dialogue.

New bridge and accessibility.

The two head of the bridge.

Construction details.