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Riqualificazione del Parco del Gari

Definitive and executive project
Project developped with A&P Architettura del Paesaggio, Noè Marco Sacchetti, Emiliano Cordischi, Fabrizio Marini,
Franco Milito, Laura Ruzzo

Cassino (FR), 2023

The project for the redevelopment of Cassino’s Villa Comunale intends to create a new image of usability and accessibility of the park, through targeted and precise operations aimed at improving the urban and

landscape quality of an area that is particularly important for the city.

One of the main interventions is the reconfiguration of the paths by reducing their road section. Along the central axis, from the Corso della Repubblica entrance to the Via Gari entrance, areas known as ‘footprints’ will open up on either side of the path, designed as rest and seating areas.

Similarly, the children’s play areas are relocated along the routes with consistent shapes but with anti-trauma rubber surfaces.

In this way, more sinuous and soft signs are introduced into the Villa, and the new central square and the junctions between existing and new paths are designed in the same way, favouring greater flow continuity.

The new bridge will also be built on the site of the one that collapsed long ago, thus reconnecting the two shores of the lake.

The area of the river sources will be redefined, through the elimination of the metal fences and the construction of a linear seating area on a paved edge overlooking the water.

The project also envisages the complete overhaul of the public lighting system, with the introduction of new poles and lighting fixtures and linear lighting systems to enhance the new bridge and the seating along the springs.

A new building will be constructed to replace the existing, abandoned and now dilapidated building, which will redefine the entrance to the Villa on Via Gari.

The new architecture will take shape in continuity with the design of the bridge, structuring and organising spaces where one can imagine activities and places to meet and gather.


The Villa Comunale.


The view to the lake and Monte Cassino.

Sorgenti 1.jpg

The Sorgenti.


The Impronte.

Planting plans.

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